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[dak/security] fix pychecker warnings about shadowing globals

The correct fix for this is of course to reduce the use of globals, but
until we take on that task, we should at least make sure we use different
names for global and local variables.
 dak/symlink_dists.py |   30 +++++++++++++++---------------
 1 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dak/symlink_dists.py b/dak/symlink_dists.py
index 6656ab6..35f5518 100644
--- a/dak/symlink_dists.py
+++ b/dak/symlink_dists.py
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ def fix_component_section (component, section):
-def find_dislocated_stable(Cnf, projectB):
+def find_dislocated_stable(Conf, DBConn):
     dislocated_files = {}
-    codename = Cnf["Suite::Stable::Codename"]
+    codename = Conf["Suite::Stable::Codename"]
     # Source
-    q = projectB.query("""
+    q = DBConn.query("""
 SELECT DISTINCT ON (f.id) c.name, sec.section, l.path, f.filename, f.id
     FROM component c, override o, section sec, source s, files f, location l,
          dsc_files df, suite su, src_associations sa, files f2, location l2
@@ -95,20 +95,20 @@ SELECT DISTINCT ON (f.id) c.name, sec.section, l.path, f.filename, f.id
 #        AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM location l WHERE l.component IS NOT NULL AND f.location = l.id)
     for i in q.getresult():
         (component, section) = fix_component_section(i[0], i[1])
-        if Cnf.FindB("Dinstall::LegacyStableHasNoSections"):
+        if Conf.FindB("Dinstall::LegacyStableHasNoSections"):
-        dest = "%sdists/%s/%s/source/%s%s" % (Cnf["Dir::Root"], codename, component, section, os.path.basename(i[3]))
+        dest = "%sdists/%s/%s/source/%s%s" % (Conf["Dir::Root"], codename, component, section, os.path.basename(i[3]))
         if not os.path.exists(dest):
             src = i[2]+i[3]
-            src = daklib.utils.clean_symlink(src, dest, Cnf["Dir::Root"])
-            if Cnf.Find("Symlink-Dists::Options::Verbose"):
+            src = daklib.utils.clean_symlink(src, dest, Conf["Dir::Root"])
+            if Conf.Find("Symlink-Dists::Options::Verbose"):
                 print src+' -> '+dest
             os.symlink(src, dest)
         dislocated_files[i[4]] = dest
     # Binary
-    architectures = filter(daklib.utils.real_arch, Cnf.ValueList("Suite::Stable::Architectures"))
-    q = projectB.query("""
+    architectures = filter(daklib.utils.real_arch, Conf.ValueList("Suite::Stable::Architectures"))
+    q = DBConn.query("""
 SELECT DISTINCT ON (f.id) c.name, a.arch_string, sec.section, b.package,
                           b.version, l.path, f.filename, f.id
     FROM architecture a, bin_associations ba, binaries b, component c, files f,
@@ -130,26 +130,26 @@ SELECT DISTINCT ON (f.id) c.name, a.arch_string, sec.section, b.package,
 #          (SELECT 1 FROM location l WHERE l.component IS NOT NULL AND f.location = l.id)
     for i in q.getresult():
         (component, section) = fix_component_section(i[0], i[2])
-        if Cnf.FindB("Dinstall::LegacyStableHasNoSections"):
+        if Conf.FindB("Dinstall::LegacyStableHasNoSections"):
         architecture = i[1]
         package = i[3]
         version = daklib.utils.re_no_epoch.sub('', i[4])
         src = i[5]+i[6]
-        dest = "%sdists/%s/%s/binary-%s/%s%s_%s.deb" % (Cnf["Dir::Root"], codename, component, architecture, section, package, version)
-        src = daklib.utils.clean_symlink(src, dest, Cnf["Dir::Root"])
+        dest = "%sdists/%s/%s/binary-%s/%s%s_%s.deb" % (Conf["Dir::Root"], codename, component, architecture, section, package, version)
+        src = daklib.utils.clean_symlink(src, dest, Conf["Dir::Root"])
         if not os.path.exists(dest):
-            if Cnf.Find("Symlink-Dists::Options::Verbose"):
+            if Conf.Find("Symlink-Dists::Options::Verbose"):
                 print src+' -> '+dest
             os.symlink(src, dest)
         dislocated_files[i[7]] = dest
         # Add per-arch symlinks for arch: all debs
         if architecture == "all":
             for arch in architectures:
-                dest = "%sdists/%s/%s/binary-%s/%s%s_%s.deb" % (Cnf["Dir::Root"], codename, component, arch, section, package, version)
+                dest = "%sdists/%s/%s/binary-%s/%s%s_%s.deb" % (Conf["Dir::Root"], codename, component, arch, section, package, version)
                 if not os.path.exists(dest):
-                    if Cnf.Find("Symlink-Dists::Options::Verbose"):
+                    if Conf.Find("Symlink-Dists::Options::Verbose"):
                         print src+' -> '+dest
                     os.symlink(src, dest)

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