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[dak/master] Removed ssh-move

 scripts/debian/ssh-move |  128 -----------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 128 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 scripts/debian/ssh-move

diff --git a/scripts/debian/ssh-move b/scripts/debian/ssh-move
deleted file mode 100755
index ab820a7..0000000
--- a/scripts/debian/ssh-move
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use IPC::Open2;
-$ENV{LANG} = "C";
-# The protocol consists of repeated exchanges of the following:
-#   S: <filename>
-#   S: <each line of file, with dot-stuffing as in SMTP>
-#   S: .
-#   C: [writes file]
-#   C: <filename>
-#   S: [unlinks file]
-my $server = 0;
-my $verbose = 0;
-my $nonint = 0;
-my $sshidentity;
-my $sshmovepath = 'ssh-move';
-my $fromdir;
-my $todir;
-while (@ARGV) {
-    local $_ = shift @ARGV;
-    if (/^--server$/) {
-	$server = 1;
-    } elsif (/^--verbose$/) {
-	$verbose = 1;
-    } elsif (/^--ssh-identity$/) {
-	$sshidentity = shift @ARGV;
-    } elsif (/^--ssh-move-path$/) {
-	$sshmovepath = shift @ARGV;
-    } elsif (/^--from-directory$/) {
-	$fromdir = shift @ARGV;
-    } elsif (/^--to-directory$/) {
-	$todir = shift @ARGV;
-    } elsif (/^--non-interactive$/) {
-        $nonint = 1;
-    } else {
-	unshift @ARGV, $_;
-	last;
-    }
-local $| = 1;
-my ($in, $out) = (*STDIN, *STDOUT);
-unless ($nonint) {
-    my $servername = shift @ARGV;
-    local (*READER, *WRITER);
-    my @args = ('ssh');
-    push @args, '-i', $sshidentity if defined $sshidentity;
-    push @args, $servername, $sshmovepath;
-    push @args, '--server' unless ($server);
-    push @args, '--to-directory', $todir if (defined $todir && $server);
-    push @args, '--from-directory', $fromdir if (defined $fromdir && !$server);
-    push @args, '--non-interactive';
-    push @args, map quotemeta, @ARGV unless ($server);
-    my $pid = open2 (\*READER, \*WRITER, @args);
-    ($in, $out) = (*READER, *WRITER);
-sub server ()
-    chdir $fromdir if defined $fromdir;
-    my @files = map glob, @ARGV;
-    for my $file (@files) {
-	print $out "$file\n" or die "can't print to client: $!";
-	open FILE, "< $file" or die "can't open $file: $!\n";
-	local $_;
-	while (<FILE>) {
-	    chomp;
-	    $_ = ".$_" if /^\./;
-	    print $out "$_\n" or die "can't print to client: $!";
-	}
-	print $out ".\n" or die "can't print to client: $!";
-	my $confirm = <$in>;
-	chomp $confirm if defined $confirm;
-	unlink $file if defined $confirm and $confirm eq $file;
-    }
-sub client ()
-    chdir $todir if defined $todir;
-    my $file;
-    while (defined ($file = <$in>)) {
-	chomp $file;
-	print STDERR $file if $verbose;
-	(my $tmpfile = $file) =~ s[.*/][];
-	$tmpfile .= ".$$.tmp";
-	# TODO: unlink $tmpfile if things go wrong
-	open TMP, "> $tmpfile" or die "can't open $tmpfile: $!";
-	local $_;
-	while (<$in>) {
-	    chomp;
-	    if ($_ eq '.') {
-		close TMP or die "can't close $tmpfile: $!";
-		rename $tmpfile, $file
-		    or die "can't rename $tmpfile to $file: $!";
-		print $out "$file\n" or die "can't print to server: $!";
-		last;
-	    } else {
-		s/^\.//;
-		print TMP "$_\n" or die "can't print to $tmpfile: $!";
-	    }
-	}
-	print STDERR " ok\n" if $verbose;
-    }
-if ($server) {
-    server ();
-} else {
-    client ();

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