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Re: Possibility to get a OLPC developer's board [Reply-to: debian-custom-list]


On Mon, Jun 26, 2006 at 03:59:25AM +0200, Knut Yrvin wrote:
> Søndag 25 juni 2006 20:24, skrev José L. Redrejo Rodríguez:

> On the technical part is quite a challenge, because it's gonna be
> suited for learning. Things has to be light weight and in the same
> instance be easy to use.  I found this web page discussing memory 
> usage: 
> http://kegel.com/linux/comfort/

[ Not much discussion. We all know OOo is a memory hog. News: Firefox is
another one ]

The OLPC is also an environment with practically no cache, so swapping
out is just no an option. A memory hog won't spend time swapping out
others. It would trigger an OOM kill.

> There is no memory that could handle OpenOffice.org on the
> OLPC-machine. Interestingly this is an advantages in lower grades.
> OpenOffice.org are made for bureaucratic work, and are suitable for
> headmasters and the office workers at the schools. It's not a learning
> tool made for teaching when the kids are 6-7 or 9 years old. They
> really hate that application.  A simple and easy to use text tool with
> cool fonts and drawing capability is more in line for teaching
> purposes when using computers for pupils in their four fist years at
> school. 

[Preach-mode on]

This is what a painting program is for. Not a writing tool. At schools
we teach children to write. Yet nobody teaches them how to write a
decent document. Hint: when you want to write a header you mark it as
such. You don't simply enlarge font and use bold/underline. Not to
mention the horrible MS-WordArt that is not even part of the standard
text flow.

Think of a document that could be understood by a blind reader. Or
compoter. You should mark important parts as such. Not paint them.

A computer is a tool for teaching in this context. It should not be a
tool for "getting the children used to the tool". At least not when the
two conflict.

[Preach-mode off]

Anyway: is abiword good enough? (kword seems to basically require much
of the KDE infrastructure to work well. It should be interesting to test
how it works without it).

Tzafrir Cohen      sip:tzafrir@local.xorcom.com
icq#16849755       iax:tzafrir@local.xorcom.com
tzafrir.cohen@xorcom.com  http://www.xorcom.com

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