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Re: Setting GConf defaults for CDD distributions

[Josselin Mouette]
> as I've discovered, a few months ago, that CDD distributions are
> usually making ugly hacks to override the GConf defaults in Debian
> packages, I have changed the GConf and debhelper packages to make it
> easily possible.

This sounds good. :)

> To make use of this framework, you need: 
>      1. to ship a debian/$package.gconf-defaults containing the defaults
>         you want to change. The format of the file is very simple, and
>         described in update-gconf-defaults(8). 
>      2. To call dh_gconf --priority 50  (50 being the recommended
>         priority for CDD). 
>      3. To build-depend on debhelper 5.0.13 at least.
>      4. Don't forget to make the package depend on ${misc:Depends}.
> Everything else should be automatic.

Can this be done before the package we want configure is installed?  I
mean, will this work if I install debian-edu-install and insert the
default overrides, and then install gconf-using-package after

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