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Re: Examples for CDDtool

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On 28-06-2005 19:17, Sergio Talens-Oliag wrote:
> El Tue, Jun 28, 2005 at 04:04:33PM +0200, Andreas Tille va escriure:
>>On Tue, 28 Jun 2005, Theodore Ruegsegger wrote:
>>>The simplest way to get an example is for the first person
>>>who uses the latest cddtool to be kind enough to post the
>>>dataset somewhere. This is probably easier than cobbling
>>>together a fake dataset.
>>Well, Sergio provided such a set in private immediately.  I'll leave
>>it to him to provide it in public - he might have reasons to keep
>>it this way.  On the other hand my suggestion would be to move it
>>into SVN.
>   I sent you the package in private because it is work in progress and I
>   thought it was not interesting for the general public... in fact it will be
>   in the public repository of our distribution in a few weeks (we are testing
>   the installations right now).

I have tried to make sense of the cddtk code for some time now (since
Andreas made me aware of it in Greece this spring), and have followed
this thread closely.

If I understand you correctly, Sergio, the example you gave Andreas was
not meant as a secret but just to avoid confusion while too many things
are still in progress. If so, can I please have the copy as well?

I shall not complain when things break under my feet, and I shall do my
best to not stall further development with questions (unless you want me

The reason I ask is that these last days _before_ debconf I want to
write pseudo-code for a future debian-edu structure of interdepending
meta-packages, and I would much prefer to use the cddtk "language" for
this pseudo-code instead of reinventing the wheel (my handwritten notes
seem already quite close to the structuring as defined in cddtoo.rst).

So can I please have the lliurex example code, even if not yet working?

 - Jonas

- --
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

 - Enden er nær: http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm
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