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Re: [Debconf4] CDD World Domination @Debconf4

Hi Philip et al,

> I want to work on a tool generating live CDs. I have some experience 
> with Knoppix style live CDs. My goal is to have a tool that 
> automatically builds a cloop image from a package pool. After this it 
> can be burned to CD. Andreas Müller is also working on this and he has 
> brought a mini-cloop-image as reference and some parts of Knoppix 
> packaged for hardware detection (also see his earlier mail).

hope to get to debconf myself in a few days, would love to build/extend
something similar for morphix/Debian-NP. Magical things can happen at debconfs,
according to insiders :)

A few pointers to some related projects, mmaker is something I've hacked
together (generates morphix cloop images/modules from a xml file), but could be
easily adapted for Knoppix ones), dfsbuild is pretty new, but shows promise:

morphix-mmaker: http://am.xs4all.nl/phpwiki/index.php/ModuleMaker
dfsbuild: http://people.debian.org/~jgoerzen/dfs

then there is intellibuild, not sure where the repository is though. Also, there
is an older mklivecd project for debian on sf, mandrake has their own version
which they use for mandrakemove


Alex de Landgraaf

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