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Re: testing d-i Release Candidate 1 and more release adjustments

On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 09:34:05PM +0100, Amaya wrote:
> Steve Langasek wrote:
> > You can't have pudding if you don't eat your meat
> What about us, vegetarians? 

Well, it's actually "If you don't eat your meat you can't have any
pudding, how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?"

This suggests two possible "outs":

1) He just doesn't understand the concept of eating pudding not having
eaten meat, and if the concept is properly explained to him the
problem is resolved.

2) The term "meat" used to refer to food in general as opposed to
specifically animal flesh, a usage which survives in the name
"mincemeat" for the entirely vegetable-based filling in mince pies. So
you can eat any old stuff, and then have some pudding. Or just eat
some mince pies and do both in one.

Or just avoid mad Scottish schoolmasters.


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