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Re: unsubscribe

На Wed, 20 Apr 2005 12:07:56 +0100 Mike Whitaker написа:

>> Why don't we put the unsubscribe information at the bottom of every
>> mail that the list sends out?
>> That would make it easier for everyone!
>Nah. It'll never work. People'll just ignore it and send unsubscribe 
>mails to the list.

 I'm curious 'bout something diferent...
 Very often many people use the address of the list for "unsubscribe"
purposes. Does it work?
 Well, we can't say just "yes" or "no", as we use (or would use;) the
"-request" address.. Whatever..

 But it's really strange that these ppl don't show up again here.. So
it's easy to believe they're unsubscribed. 

 Maybe the have unsubscribed themselves by some other means.. But
that is even more obscure for us...
 And since we don't know for sure that emailing the list doesn't work
for unsubscribing, then we*may* say that...
 ...maybe emailing the list with "unsubscribe" in the body actually does
the job.


| Iassen Pramatarov
|        a.k.a. turin
| home: http://iassen.projectoria.org/book/
| jabberID: xmpp:turin@jabber.org
| Projectoria team
| Free Software Association - Bulgaria
 http://projectoria.org  |  http://fsa-bg.org \

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