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A Setback For Linux


Forbes was reporting yesterday on the whole Bitkeeper/kernel thingy.  
Somebody either just read some headlines and thought he'd write a story.  
(And, sadly, I guess with Linux being a buzzword nowadays, and the typical 
Forbes readership not knowing much about Linux and how it is developed, it 
will even make a splash.)


Anybody found the second part of that article yet? (Supposed to be published 

> McVoy says BitKeeper lets Linux programmers crank out new versions twice
> as fast as they could before. BitKeeper also has protected the integrity
> of Linux. In 2003, BitKeeper detected a "back door" that a hacker had
> tried to plant into the operating system. Without BitKeeper, Linux now may
> be more vulnerable to such breaches, McVoy says.     

Yeah, sure.  BitKeeper has built-in IDS and whatnot.  And a builtin coffee 
machine, too, and a Pizza delivery device.  Pull the other one.

-- vbi

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