"Paris Hilton is the great-granddaughter of hotel magnate Conrad
Hilton, granddaughter of Barron Hilton, grand-niece of Nicholas Conrad
"Nicky" Hilton (the one-time husband of Elizabeth Taylor) and daughter
of real estate magnate Rick Hilton."
She "mistakenly" released a personal sex tape, which had the
diabolical consequences of shooting her into the public spotlight.
This tape made its rounds through the internet quicker then you can
say "blurring fists of America unite!"
On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 15:55:40 +0000, Pigeon <jah.pigeon@ukonline.co.uk> wrote:
On Mon, Jan 31, 2005 at 03:38:47PM +0100, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
Op zo, 30-01-2005 te 20:32 +0000, schreef Pigeon:
BTW I'm assuming this is a video of someone in a fast car or bike
bombing round the Paris ring road?
Don't you receive any SPAM?
Spambayes rocks :-)
There's some private video thing of Paris
Hilton and her boyfriend circulating on the Internet, which is
probably /not/ material appropriate for minors.
"Paris Hilton" is a woman? Not a hotel? This thread gets more surreal
with every post...
Be kind to pigeons
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