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Re: ..D-C, was: [OT] voting (was: Slashdot and media accuracy (was Re: Improved Debian Project Emergency Communications))

* David Palmer (davidpalmer@westnet.com.au) [031207 12:31]:
> If you find us hard to live with, it's all Colin Watsons' idea, so
> you'll have to sue him.


As I recall, Colin just asked somethng like (paraphrased): "Folks, can
we get back to debian?  How about taking this discussion to a more
appropriate forum, or private email?"

If you read "a more appropriate forum" as "debian-curiosa" (and chose to
ignore the private mail bit) that's your own fault.  Hiding behind
"Colin told us to come here" is a childish cop-out.  Why would you even
say something like that if you didn't already have an idea you were
still posting to the wrong list?

good times,
"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not
have, nor do they deserve, either one."  --President Thomas Jefferson

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