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Re: Promoting your website with bulk-email


Another possibility: in my experience bogofilter seems to work
better when it has seen very much more non-spam than spam
e-mail.  As I recall your data set was about evenly split
between the two.

My own data about Bogofilter (part of a French text available at http://oumph.free.fr/textes/penibles_du_net.html#pourriel , written in June):

* initial learning

my email boxes for 21 month:
40839 ham
 2231 spam (5%)
43060 mails (more than 300 MiB)

17.6 MiB goodlist.db (ham database)
 3.0 MiB spamlist.db (spam database)

* 22 days later:

 559 new spams (19%)
       90 false negative
      469 detected spam

  49 virus/worm/trojan (1,7%) [*]

2327 ham (79%)
        0 false positive
     2327 detected ham
2935 mails

19.0 MiB goodlist.db
 3.9 MiB spamlist.db

procmail+bogofilter looks good: good success rate and no (or few) false positives.

[*] mainly a rule to detect PE executables in attachments

Benoît Sibaud

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