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Re: Wish: Unfreeze Woody and start anew

> Amen! The last time I tried to pitch Debain for a project, I was soundly
> shot
> down by how stale the "released" production was.  I'm really hoping that
> they get
> the release out this summer (not following the main lists, I don't know how
> far 
> they are from it, but my understanding is that it's still a bit off).

Well we run debian because we want a stable platform, with security
updates only, and don't want to have the whole OS replaced every 6
months just because someone thinks it is too old.

Sometimes we update a specific package and it's dependancies by
rebuilding a package from testing or unstable, and test it ourselves and
if we are satisfied we roll it ot on the production systems that are
otherwise 'stable release'.

I think frequent changes are a good reason to avoid a system.
Fortunately our customers either agree or don't care what the back end
runs as long as it works 24 hours a day.

Len Sorensen

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