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RES: how to set digest mode? (was Re: unsubscribe)

Are you loged on the list and see the control painel of the list?

 http://www.arcl.com.br <wendel@arcl.com.br>
 UIN#106165078, theLC#254990, debianBR#416, m4Y 3e 7hE 50uRcE 15 y0U
 9644 3EDE AF5F 248B E636 67BE 7C6A 01FF 4568 5E13, DSA/ELG-E

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Rafael Jannone [mailto:jannone@inf.ufrgs.br]
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 29 de julho de 2002 19:08
Para: debian-curiosa@lists.debian.org
Assunto: Re: how to set digest mode? (was Re: unsubscribe)

On Mon, 29 Jul 2002 10:38:09 -0700
Evan Prodromou <evan@debian.org> wrote:

> >>>>> "RJ" == Rafael Jannone <jannone@inf.ufrgs.br> writes:
>     RJ> I'd like to know that too, not only for debian-curiosa, but
>     RJ> also the other debian mailing lists at lists.debian.org...
>     RJ> So I'm just reinforcing the same question: does anyone know
>     RJ> how?
> As far as I know, only two Debian mailing lists are available in
> digest form: -users and -devel.
> If that's a problem, I'd suggest logging a bug against
> lists.debian.org. B-)

sorry about my ignorance, but wouldn't it be better to use some
generic way to set/unset digest mode in all mailing lists, instead
of actually *creating* different lists for that purpose?
this is kinda weird...


Rafael Jannone


Porto Alegre/RS Brasil :  earth ~ my body       water ~ my blood
Computacao - UFRGS     :  air   ~ my breath     fire  ~ my spirit
ICQ - 10115284          ............................................
jannone@inf.ufrgs.br      Debian GNU/Linux @ SHINOBU 666.82 bogomips

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