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Pity me

f.y.i. this is ms win 98 sp 1

I've got a couple debian boxen. One isn't even stable.

However, since I happen to live 1000 FEET from WTC and
connectivity down here S*CKS refried lard bisc*its (and
I'm lazy as all get-out), whine about my OS/mail proggie
to someone else, thank you.

Gosh, you should hear my phone ring. It goes 'blurp' and
then goes silent. A couple times I picked it up and actually
got connected to a human bean. Mosttimes? It's just a dead

And, that dead/56K line is all I have. :( (*)
(*) half to 100% of the blame is lethargy related. Ipso Facto
Mea Culpability!

Don't throw flowers, I'm not dead yet.

-Josh "Suit your boots" Narins

P.S. Yes, I was across the f*cking street. yech. yech yech yech. 3 WFC, 8th floor.
I just got the report today, there will be NO recovery from my desk because it was
(X) destroyed.

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