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Re: Bug#108171: Unsure how to wash my pants

On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 10:37:29AM -0400, Mike Dresser wrote:
> I think we need a libnylon, libleather, libpolyester, libcotton, etc..
> Oh, and a libcotton, would rely on a libcottonpress, no?

Oh my, we are getting into a Windoze-type DLL hell now.  How about a simplier
library such as libcloth?  It can have the appropriate API for each type.  By
making the library extensible other types like silk, linen, rayon, etc. can
easily be added.  

I suppose it have cleaning instructions as part of it (dry clean, cold
water only, etc.) or these be better in a separate libwash?

 bob billson        email: reb@bhive.dhs.org          ham: kc2wz       
                           reb@elbnet.com             Linux geek   /)  
 "Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin."              beekeeper -8|||} 
        --Dorothy                                                  \)  

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