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Re: Technology and historical continuity...

Lennart Sorensen <lsorense@csclub.uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
> 143.51cm isn't much better is it?  It just looks less messy I guess.

What are you, a dressmaker? It's 1435mm or sometimes 1.435m. Dressmakers
use centimetres, engineers use millimetres or metres. :P

There's probably not much point in going to sub-millimetre precision for
this particular measurement either.

> Works better for my head too.

Well, it's easier for those of us who are familiar with sensible units
to visualise. It makes the maths involved a lot simpler too... which is
why the metric system came about in the first place.
Sam "Eddie" Couter  |  mailto:sam@couter.dropbear.id.au
Debian Developer    |  mailto:eddie@debian.org
                    |  jabber:sam@teknohaus.dyndns.org
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