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Bug#1060700: Requesting advice regarding the impact of problems caused by aliasing on declared Conflicts

>>>>> "Matthew" == Matthew Vernon <matthewv@chiark.greenend.org.uk> writes:
    Matthew> This continues to make me worry we are not on the path of
    Matthew> robust engineering. But I appreciate I'm in a very small
    Matthew> minority in that regard.

I want to second the above.
I do still believe that the way forward is through rather than by
backing out and starting over.
However, I think it is essential that we spend significant time figuring
out how we can do better with future upgrades and decision processes,
possibly at a point where we have enough distance that we can hear each
other without anger, while not so much distance that we have lost the
technical detail.

As an example, if I had known protective diversions would be part of the
solution back when debating whether merged /usr was something we were
ready to do, I would have said we absolutely were not ready to go down
the path until we had better architected tools.

I'm not proposing to turn around now, and that may possibly be an area
where Matthew and I disagree.  But I absolutely want to lend credibility
to the idea that we are digging ourselves into a hole, hoping that it
will become a tunnel and we will find light at the other end.


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