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Bug#1052460: tech-ctte: In re ticket 1051368: including Selenium Manager in python3-selenium package

Jonathan Kamens <jik@kamens.us> writes:

> * Speaking as an end user, I do not agree with the statement, "I see that
>   python3-selenium now has a NEWS.Debian entry that points to
>   README.Debian, which seems like a reasonable way to bring this to users'
>   attention." Most users don't know to look for either of these
>   files.

Just a quick side note on this point: I strongly encourage everyone
running Debian to install apt-listchanges.  I feel like we added that to
the default install these days but maybe we didn't.  You can configure it
to show you only NEWS.Debian files, not the full changelog.  Any new
NEWS.Debian file entry for a package that you have installed is generally
worth reading, and this is the supported way (other than the Release Notes
for the full stable release) that Debian communicates major breaking
changes like this to users.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)              <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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