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Re: DEP17 feedback

>>>>> "Helmut" == Helmut Grohne <helmut@subdivi.de> writes:

    Helmut> another, we probably need to clarify whether the file move
    Helmut> moratorium extends to trixie. I think Matthew Garrett
    Helmut> already looked into it and wanted to followup but never did
    Helmut> and I'd also appreciate Simon having a look even though this
    Helmut> should mostly resemble what I discussed with him and others
    Helmut> on IRC earlier.

Oh, excellent.
I was just considering formally asking the TC to extend the file move
moratorium to trixie.
I've seen a number of people recently proposing moving files in trixie
who do not appear to understand the issues, and so I think more TC
clarification on this issue is important.

Would a formal request help, or can the TC handle this internally?

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