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Bug#1020792: tech-ctte: Halt merged-/usr transition until dpkg filesystem damage bugs are fixed

On Mon, Sep 26, 2022, at 4:30 PM, Sean Whitton wrote:
> I believe that this request is invalid, for two reasons:
> - the specific things you ask for are all or mostly things that we think
>   are currently up to the Release Team, and the TC cannot override
>   delegates

I'm surprised to hear you say that, given that, in the past, the TC
has required bugs of various severities to be filed, and has required
maintainers not to alter bug severities.  Almost all of what I'm
asking for would follow "by operation of Policy", as it were, from the
requested s:critical bugs on usrmerge and usr-is-merged; I only
spelled them out for explicitness's sake.  And I didn't file the bugs
myself because they would certainly be rejected by the maintainers,
and then I'd have to escalate _that_ to you, so I'm trying to save time
by skipping that step.

> - you might be lacking the full context of TC-involving discussions over
>   the past few months, but so far as I can see, you are asking for us to
>   undo a decision that we only just made, which doesn't make sense.

As far as _I_ am aware, I'm acting on this bit of the "more specific
advice re #978636", issued last year:

# If a suitable transition mechanism is not available by the time the
# Debian 12 freeze is reached, the Technical Committee will rescind our
# advice in #978636 and modify our advice in this resolution to reflect
# the situation that has been reached. We hope that this will not be
# necessary.

In my opinion, a "suitable transition mechanism" _must_ include a fix
for the dpkg bugs, and it is almost certain at this point that the
dpkg bugs will _not_ be fixed in time for the freeze, hence it is
appropriate at this point for the TC to "rescind our advice in #978636
and modify our advice in this resolution", along the lines I requested.

If there has been substantive discussion or progress on the dpkg bugs
"over the past few months" I have not seen it either on -ctte or on
-devel.  I would appreciate a concrete summary of what has happened so
far and what is planned to happen.


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