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Bug#846002: blends-tasks must be priority:standard and not make a mess out of tasksel menu

]] Ole Streicher 


> >> Am 31.01.2017 um 16:26 schrieb Sam Hartman:


> >>> If they don't want to do that for stretch, that's a decision within
> >>> their pervue that we clearly don't have the votes to override.


> This makes it a case where one can ask the TC for a decision, if an
> otherwise unresolvable conflict appears. And IMO the TC has the power to
> decide here. I have read Sams "vote to override" as "power to override",
> and this was where I disagree.

My mind-reading skills are not great, but I don't think that was what
Sam meant.  He wrote «votes to override» (note the plural), which, to
me, means «there are not enough people who agree that this should be
overridden», not «we don't have the power to override this (regardless
of the number of votes».

> > Personally, I don't see the big point of adding LXQt to the list, but on
> > the other hand, I don't think the tech committee should micromanage (and
> > arguably, we're not allowed to, depending on whether that'd be «detailed
> > design work» or not).
> An argument of d-i is: We know that it is already pretty confusing now,
> but it is a compromise, and we don't want to make it worse. Adding LXQt
> *makes* it worse, so it invalidates this argument.

Not really.  It weakens it, but it doesn't invalidate it. 

> >> It is *not* about just "hey, d-i decided that way. Sorry, we can't do
> >> anything here". It is about to help us (d-blends and d-i) to sort out
> >> the technical aspects, to weight them and to come to a solution where
> >> everyone can agree as much as possible.
> > 
> > I didn't read Sam's response as «we can't do anything», but rather that
> > we (the TC) are unwilling to override the d-i maintainers.
> He wrote "we don't have the vote to override", and this is IMO wrong.

No, he wrote «we don't have the votes to override».  The plural here is

> The TC has the power to decide here, and you were asked to do so. If you
> think that d-i took the right decision, you should decide so (and then
> you don't need to use your power), but not just let them decide.

That's what the current ballot effectively says.  We're refusing to
override the d-i team.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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