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Bug#741573: On menu systems.

Russ Allbery <rra@debian.org> (2014-03-25):
> For most, but definitely not all, of our users, providing the desktop
> file is more important than providing the menu configuration.  If we
> do nothing, the likely outcome is that more and more packagers who are
> using, e.g., GNOME or KDE will install or provide desktop files, find
> that their program appears in the menus, assume they're done, and move
> on, and the menu quality in other integrations like fvwm will keep
> declining.  I believe this has been happening for the past couple of
> years, although that's based on a gut feeling and I've not tried to
> acquire actual data.

The following won't reflect packages possibly moving from menu to fdo,
but should give some idea (the {main/,} bit is there because stuff was
moved around on the archive side). Also, as you know, the archive keeps

Packages with menu files:
  $ for i in squeeze wheezy jessie; do printf "$i: ";  zgrep -h '^usr/share/menu/' $i/{main/,}Contents-amd64.gz 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $2}' | sort -u | wc -l; done
  squeeze: 2363
  wheezy: 2290
  jessie: 2306

=> stable

Menu files;
  $ for i in squeeze wheezy jessie; do printf "$i: ";  zgrep -h '^usr/share/menu/' $i/{main/,}Contents-amd64.gz 2>/dev/null | sort -u | wc -l; done
  squeeze: 2363
  wheezy: 2290
  jessie: 2306

=> stable

Packages with desktop files:
  $ for i in squeeze wheezy jessie; do printf "$i: ";  zgrep -h '^usr/share/applications/.*\.desktop\b' $i/{main/,}Contents-amd64.gz 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $2}' | sort -u | wc -l; done
  squeeze: 1976
  wheezy: 2186
  jessie: 2324

=> +17% between squeeze and jessie.

Desktop files:
  $ for i in squeeze wheezy jessie; do printf "$i: ";  zgrep -h '^usr/share/applications/.*\.desktop\b' $i/{main/,}Contents-amd64.gz 2>/dev/null | sort -u | wc -l; done
  squeeze: 2592
  wheezy: 2814
  jessie: 3010

=> +16% between squeeze and jessie.


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