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Bug#746715: the foreseeable outcome of the TC vote on init systems

Hi Daniel,

On Sat, May 03, 2014 at 10:31:38AM +0200, Daniel Baumann wrote:

> first of all: why haven't you just talked to me? you know more then well
> that i've kindly and quickly responded to all your bug reports, on and
> offline. #746715 sounds like shooting with a nuclear weapon on little
> glitch.

> seccond, if you feel that deeply about that particular patch[1] and want
> to still add see upstart support in tftpd-hpa for jessie, i'm happy to
> re-include it.

Note that this bug that I've filed was not asking the Technical Committee to
overrule you.  I agree that, if my goal was to get this patch reincluded,
filing a TC bug would be a disproportionate way to achieve that.  But this
was not my reason for raising the issue with the TC.  While I think that
your change to tftp-hpa was inappropriate, the present reality is that this
is only my opinion.  This opinion does not carry the force of policy,
because the TC declined to provide technical guidance, with various members
of the committee instead offering platitudes about how Debian developers can
be trusted to provide appropriate levels of support for alternative init
systems without needing to be told to do so.

So I am not raising this bug to the TC because I disagree with you - though
I disagree both with you dropping the patch, and with you not talking to me
first about whether it was still needed.  I am raising this bug to the TC
because I think it is an example of why the approach taken by the TC is
naive and wrong, and I am giving the TC the opportunity to remedy this
failure to provide technical leadership.

> to the allegations made in this bug report: upstart support has been
> only *temporarily* be present in experimental. it has never been in
> unstable, technically there was never any upstart support.

Yes, and I think it was wrong that the bug was closed by an upload to
experimental instead of to unstable when there was nothing experimental
about it.  But that is also not the reason for me raising this issue.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slangasek@ubuntu.com                                     vorlon@debian.org

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