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Bug#727708: Both T and L are wrong, plea for something simpler

(resend with the correct BTS email address)

Ansgar Burchardt writes ("Re: Bug#727708: Both T and L are wrong, plea for something simpler"):
> What does this mean in the concrete example that lead to the ctte bug?
> That is:
> Provided logind is only provided by systemd (the current situation). May
> GNOME depend on logind?

I think the conclusion is that it may not.  (This is, after all, the
heart of the problem.)

> If not, do you plan to override the GNOME maintainers with this decision?

That would be a matter for a further TC resolution.  At this stage we
are setting policy.


PS: Please make sure you direct your messages to the bug, not directly
to the TC list.

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