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Bug#700759: Shared library policy on private libs

Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org> writes:

> I'm not sure how you've arrived at this conclusion.  Have you overlooked
> that the shlibs in the ntfs-3g package have been fixed by the maintainer
> in unstable (as commented in bug #700677)?

> It still doesn't comply with policy 8.1.  But I think that's a policy
> bug and that this bug report should be referred over to the policy
> package; I don't see anything further here that needs the technical
> committee's involvement.

You're comfortable with creating a situation where those two packages must
always be upgraded in lockstep and there's no way to retain the old
version of the ntfs-3g shared library on disk to allow for partial
upgrades?  Policy doesn't like this configuration for (IMO) sound reasons.
It may be fine as a special exception in this case, but I'm not really
seeing why we would want to generally relax Policy here.

But we can discuss this over on the Policy list, I suppose.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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