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Bug#688772: gnome Depends network-manager-gnome

Josselin Mouette <joss@debian.org> writes:

> Our very intent is that squeeze users who have gnome installed but not
> NM *do* find that NM becomes installed when they upgrade to wheezy.

Thank you for stating this so plainly.

>> 9. It is disappointing that this proposed solution to the problem was
>>    not mentioned during the TC discussion.  If it had been, it could
>>    have been accepted or rejected by the TC at the time.
> Maybe more communication would have occurred if this discussion had been
> driven by a reasonable person.
> I still stand on the stance that Ian’s behavior is unacceptable; and
> proposing this kind of passive-agressive wording in a TC decision is
> part of the problem. 

While I understand your feelings on this and agree that Ian has allowed
his emotions to get the better of him at least once in this process, as
I've already asserted, one of the reason we have a *committee* defined
by our constitution to act as the ultimate decision making authority on
technical issues is precisely to ensure that the emotions of a single
individual do not dictate project policy.

Please un-wind your emotional reaction to Ian's participation in this
process, and realize that his is only one voice, and you are dealing
with a level-headed committee that is trying very hard to make the best
decisions possible for the project overall.  There is no "crusade" here
beyond the genuine desire to deliver on item 4 of our Social Contract,
and the longer you, Michael, and others continue to assert that there
is, the harder it is for those of us less *emotionally* invested in this
decision to stay focused on doing the right things for Debian.

> He should step down from the committee or be forced
> to do so.

Personally, I think Ian's usual objectivity and attention to detail are
valuable to the committee... enough so that I'm willing to cope with 
an occasional reminder that he is only human, and I would not initiate a
move to remove him from the committee per 6.2.5 of our Constitution.

However, if you feel sufficiently strongly about this, 4.1.4 of our
Constitution suggests that a GR resulting in a super-majority of support
From voting members of the project should suffice to remove a TC member.

> In the current situation, I do not feel bound by any decisions the
> committee might make.

A standard part of becoming a DD through the NM process is accepting the
Social Contract and agreeing to be bound by our Constitution.  And it is
our Constitution that defines the existence and role of the Technical

I urge to you reconsider and retract this statement. 



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