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Bug#510415: tech-ctte: Qmail inclusion (or not) in Debian

On Thu, 01 Jan 2009, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> Yet, we do see that there are people who want Qmail, and instead of
> maintaining it in an own repository want it in Debian. As it is
> unlikely that the positions of the Qmail supporters and us will
> change soon to let us find a solution that works for both sides (the
> positions are basically black and white here), we ask you to help
> resolve it, by a ruling on this matter, following Constitution
> §6.1.3.


      1) an upload to experimental with
      2) all of the issues that have been identified as RC filed as RC
         bugs against the package with
      3) acceptance into sid occuring only when the RC bugs which have
         a serious negative impact on the internet in large fixed and
      4) acceptance into testingg occuring as usual with
      5) an RM "unacceptable for release" RC bug filed until the RMs
         have a chance to come to a determination

be an acceptable compromise for the ftpmasters and the prospective
Qmail maintainer(s)? (Or at least, a start towards something that
could possibly be compromised on?)

As much as I'm not a fan of Qmail, I don't think the project should
stand in the way if someone is actually interested in spending the
time to attempt to make it acceptable for eventual release.

I don't think there's a reason a priori that we can say that Qmail
will never be acceptable for release, and we have means of allowing it
into the archive, but blocking it from eventual release using the
"RM(s) finds a package unaccpetable for release" serious bug in
addition to other actual bugs in the package. It'd also enable the
people who want to work on Qmail to have access to the project
resources so that if a package ever is close to acceptable for
inclusion, there won't be any need to figure out again the problems
that Qmail has.

Don Armstrong

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 -- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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