Re: Processed: ca-certificates and CAcert
On Mon, Apr 09, 2007 at 12:23:29AM +0200, Vincent Bernat wrote:
> OoO En ce doux début de matinée du dimanche 08 avril 2007, vers 08:39,
> (Debian Bug Tracking System) disait:
> > Processing commands for
> >> reassign 413766 tech-ctte
> > Bug#413766: ca-certificates: Recent addition of may break some installations
> > Bug reassigned from package `ca-certificates' to `tech-ctte'.
> >> thanks
> > Stopping processing here.
> Well, since Etch is now released, my request is a non sense. Should I
> let this bug to tech-ctte or should I give it back to ca-certificates ?
The tech-ctte still has the authority to rule that a particular technical
action should be taken, even if this requires an upload to proposed-updates;
if you think that would still be useful, or if you would like a ruling on a
more general question (in which case you should state clearly what that
question is), then it would certainly be in order for you to leave this bug
assigned to the committee.
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
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