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Re: Tech ctte tweaks

On 2/17/06, Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> wrote:
> Otherwise, Raul's vote has to be excluded so we're still waiting on an
> outcome; and it's not entirely clear that any of the votes are binding
> in any way :(

Eh... basically my vote on this issue is to go along with whatever
Ian thinks we should do on this issue.

I mean, he is the chairman, and we're talking about what the chairman
should be doing.

If you'd left more time for discussing this matter, I'd be inclined to
go into this in more depth.  But you didn't, so I'm not.

I don't really care if we go about this formally or informally.  I don't
care if it involves a "stepping down" step or not.  But I do think that
Ian's opinion -- as the current chairman -- carries a lot of weight on
this issue.


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