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Re: Social Contract GR's Affect on sarge

On Mon, 3 May 2004 17:28:43 +0100, Ian Jackson <ian@davenant.greenend.org.uk> said: 

>  * Our Secretary seems to be under the impression that a vote must
>    be started within a certain period of a resolution being
>    proposed.  I don't think this is the case.  The discussion period
>    quoted in 4.2(4) is a _minimum_.  According to A.2(1), it is up
>    to the proposer or a sponsor to call for a vote, and there is no
>    need to hold a vote until they do so.

	Rubbish. In the case of the last GR, the sponsor had already
 called for a vote (twice, in fact, I asked that the vote be delayed
 the first time for for technical vote taking rasons, and he agreed). 

>    I would ask all proposers and sponsors of resolutions to avoid
>    calling for a vote before reaching consensus on the wording of a
>    resolution.

	As far as I can tell, there was no dissent on the wording --
 indeed, there were no amendments being offered, and there was very
 little discussion happening.

	I would object to these additional comments being added to
 any official announcements from the ctte, unless they are better
 reasearched for accuracy.

My own life has been spent chronicling the rise and fall of human
systems, and I am convinced that we are terribly vulnerable.  ...  We
should be reluctant to turn back upon the frontier of this
epoch. Space is indifferent to what we do; it has no feeling, no
design, no interest in whether or not we grapple with it. But we
cannot be indifferent to space, because the grand, slow march of
intelligence has brought us, in our generation, to a point from which
we can explore and understand and utilize it. To turn back now would
be to deny our history, our capabilities. James A. Michener
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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