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Re: Our supermajority requirement has changed !

Raul Miller writes ("Re: Our supermajority requirement has changed !"):
> On Wed, May 26, 2004 at 12:53:41AM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > IME people nearly always put FD ahead of the options they disagree
> > with.
> However, it's possible for people to think that two options
> are acceptable, even though they have a distinct preference
> for one over the other.

Certainly.  What I'm saying is that our voting system should not
discourage people from expressing this in their votes.  The implied
promise of preference voting systems is that later preferences never
count against earlier ones, but in fact with the current system as
amended a ballot A:B:FD count against A in A-vs-B due to the the
ranking of B above FD.


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