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We've been inactive for pretty much this entire year.  I think this is
a good thing, but I'd like everyone to just give me a heads up:

[0] Are you still reading this list?
[1] Do you still want to participate in this
[2] Are there issues you think we should be
dealing with that we're not?

I'm also considering putting up a page inviting people to contact us if
they have development/interface disputes that they can't resolve.

I suspect that if we did this we'd get a bunch of "faq" type questions,
and a number of things that could be resolved by references to existing
policy or documentation.  The issues that we'd need to solve would
probably require some additional detail that isn't readily available.
And, of course, there will be the ever-popular questions that should
have been sent to debian-user (we've seen a variety of those this year,
though none have ever been approved, and thus none have become a part
of the official archive).

Anyways, I think it's our job (as individuals) to keep problems from
blowing up to the point that they really require the committee's attention
to resolve -- I think that if things are being done right the committee
should never have to take any formal action.  And, while this year has
been quiet, I'd like to ensure that future years are as well.

Opinions?  Am I off my rocker?



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