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Re: Intent to help with making packages cross-buildable

Hi Helmut,

On Tue, 16 Feb, 2021, 3:48 pm Helmut Grohne, <helmut@subdivi.de> wrote:
Hi Nilesh,

[Snip ]

Thanks for such a nice and verbose explanation :-)
Noted all points, and will follow.

 Properly tagged bugs are displayed on crossqa.debian.net.
cross-satisfiability bugs are also displayed on
https://bootstrap.debian.net/cross_all.html. Any suggestions where we
should include this?

I suppose this is good enough already.

If you use irc, join #debian-bootstrap to get quick responses.


> (I only see just a few handful failures on

It only displays the last ten failed builds. You can check any package
you via http://crossqa.debian.net/src/<yourpackage>. Do you need
anything else from the service?

Well, yes. I was actually looking for _all_ the packages that aren't cross buildable and not just last ten - _also_ for packages which _do not_ have FTCBFS bugs filed. 
This helps me in two ways:

* Easier to find target packages to work on
* I maintain several packages of which many are arch:any.
Checking crossqa.d.n/sec/<packageneeded> is cumbersome to look up for each on of them and decide which of them don't cross build and then work on it.
So getting a complete list could be nice.

Let me know if it's already available and I missed it.

Thanks again!

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