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Re: Extending the build profile namespace

Helmut Grohne writes ("Extending the build profile namespace"):
>  * The nodoc profile is a bit strange. It is supposed to drop
>    documentation from packages or to drop documentation packages. The
>    former leads to packages whose content varies with profiles (which
>    generally is bad)

I think there is nothing wrong with a build profile producing the same
packages with different content.

IMO someone (human or software) who specifies the use of a build
profile is responsible for knowing the semantic effect of the profile.

For this reason each profile name should come with a specification.

Earlier in your mail you skipped over the nocheck profile and asserted
that its semantics are to `mark droppable dependencies'.  But the
semantics are also that when this profile is used, there is a greater
probability of generated nonfunctional packages (ie of failing to
detect bugs where without `nocheck', the brokenness would be detected
and the build would fail).

>                      and the latter mostly drops Arch:all packages, so
>    in many cases simply doing an arch-only build achieves the same
>    effect. If the only Architecture: all package from a source package
>    is a -doc package, then generally the nodoc profile is not necessary
>    (e.g. cargo and rustc). Just populate Build-Depends-Indep properly.
>    Maybe we should revise rules for this profile?

I don't agree with this analysis at all.  One thing you might want to
do is deliberately run builds of many packages in a situation where
you know you don't care about generating documentation (or would like
to save the space consumed by documentation).

For this to work, there has to be a way to specify such a build
without knowing the details of the package.

>    Also some packages implement this as a non-profile
>    DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nodoc (e.g. botch, brian, cython, dipy, isso, [...]

AIUI the difference between a build profile and a DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS
value is simply that a build profile is able to predictably[1] change
the set of build dependencies and/or the set of generated binary

[1] By predictably I mean that this is specified in a machine-readable
way, so that higher level build orchestration tools can make use of
the information.

ISTM that the nodoc build option should be phased out in favour of a
build profile.  For compatibility, the specification for the nodoc
profile should say that nodoc builds should always be done with the
nodoc build option too.  dpkg-buildpackage could handle this.

>  * The various stage profiles serve vastly different needs. The common
>    theme is breaking dependency cycles, but that's about where
>    commonality ends.
>    * It is generally not well defined what functionality is dropped in
>      what stages. Instead, the stages are derived from practical need
>      (which is good). Still, we loose track of whether these stages are
>      still needed and whether they still work over time. I believe that
>      this undefinedness is a bad property of these profiles and that we
>      should therefore stop using them whenever feasible. Instead, I'd
>      like to see specific profiles (e.g. drop Perl bindings). I
>      acknowledge that this is the path to becoming more like Gentoo (USE
>      flags), but maybe that's a good direction?

I don't think there is a real problem with unneeded stages, or broken
stages, lingering.

I could be wrong but I think the stage profiles are pretty easy to
keep in the affected packages and don't have a big maintenance cost.
If they are still needed, they will get tested, and be maintained.
If they aren't needed right now they may rot, but keeping them there
and half-working will make it easier if they are needed again.  I
think it is better to keep them there than to flail about introducing
and removing them.

The stage* system avoids doing a lot of work to determine and describe
precisely the situation in an abstract way; rather, it is an explicit
and manually maintained bootstrap sequence (with a cross-archive

In general in Debian we keep lots of things which we're not sure are
still useful and which we're not sure are still working.  Whenever we
remove such a thing it usually turns out someone was relying on it, or
that someone had been using it in a way that avoids the breakage.

> Given the above analysis, I see two immediate needs for change in the
> handling of build profiles:
>  1) We should provide a namespace (profile name prefix) where packages
>     can add their own custom profiles at will and where there is room
>     for experimentation. Such a namespace would improve the metadata for
>     packages like gcc-$VER, cyrus-sasl2, dnsmasq and reprepro. I propose
>     that packages can use "pkg.$sourcepackage.$anyting" whenever the
>     maintainer of $sourcepackage agrees with that use.

Very good idea.

>  2) Given the mess with stage profiles, I think that we should provide
>     some better way for generic feature profiles (like Gentoo USE flags)
>     that are to be used consistently by multiple packages. Of course,
>     Debian is not going to replicate the diversity of Gentoo's USE
>     flags, but adding them driven by demand may be a sane choice. For
>     instance, audit, libcap-ng, libprelude and newt could use a "nopython"
>     profile for disabling Python language bindings instead of gaining a
>     meaningless "stage1" profile for breaking dependency cycles. I see
>     immediate practical use (for replacing stages) in profiles disabling
>     Go (nogolang), Java (nojava), Perl (noperl) and Python (nopython)
>     bindings and vague need for disabling Apparmor support (noapparmor),
>     Bluetooth support (nobluetooth), Lua bindings (nolua), SELinux
>     support (noselinux), systemd integration (nosystemd), and systemtap
>     support (nosystemtap).

I'm not a cross expert but I think this is a bad idea, at least if
done for this reason.  The benefit of the current stage profiles is
that it is easy for a cross bootstrap orchestration tool to know what
to do.

Your suggestion, if implemented, would:

 1. Complicate the metadata for what is a pretty minority feature.
   This imposes more work on package maintainers in general and more
   work on those trying to get the boostrap to work.

 2. Require the implementation of a new bootstrap planner which would
   be able to mine the profile-specific build-dependency information
   to construct a bootstrap plan.

 3. Still not address the `problem' you identify that the stage*
   dependencies implicitly violate dependency contracts.  The only way
   to address this problem fully would be to provide explicit
   representation in the dependency system for interfaces like
   `fontforge with embedded python support' (or conversely for
   `fontforge without embedded python support').  I think this would
   be very complicated.

 4. Items 2 and 3 above iteract very badly.  I think it may be
   impossible to do 2 without also doing 3.

So in summary 

> Furthermore, having a way to distinguish "safe" (package set changing)
> from "unsafe" (content changing) profiles would be very helpful.

I agree that this is a useful distinction (although I don't
necessarily agree with your terminology).  Given that you propose to
allow package maintainers to make up random shit in their bit of the
profile namespace, how do you imagine such a package maintainer
publishing the information about the semantics of their build
profiles, so that tools may find it ?


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