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RFS: Please upload cl-asdf package

Dear Common-Lisp-inclined Debian mentors,

I have uploaded to mentors a debian package for cl-asdf 3.1.4.
I'm hoping that in the future, someone else could take over
the debian packaging for asdf, but we'll see.
(Kambiz, are you still interested?)

It's mostly a bug fix release as compared to 3.1.3, but
it also includes some tools that confuse lintian:
cl-source-registry-cache.lisp which is a /usr/bin/cl script
that relies on cl-launch, and asdf-tools and install-asdf.lisp
that are loadable lisp source files that happen to also work
when invoked by a shell.

Please upload the cl-asdf package, after checking that
it works fine for you.

Note that I used the minimakefile branch of git rather than
the release branch to produce the tarball and debian package,
because said branch has an update release script written in Common Lisp,
whereas the script in the master and release branches are bitrotten,
and isn't worth fixing. The code and documentation are identical,
only the release script is different (and improved).

The cl-asdf source package builds this binary package:
cl-asdf    - Another System Definition Facility

The package appears to be lintian clean, except for the warnings
explained above.

The package cl-asdf can be found on mentors.debian.net:
- URL: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/c/cl-asdf
- dget http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/c/cl-asdf/cl-asdf_3.1.4-1.dsc

Thank you

??? ? Fran?ois-Ren? ?VB Rideau ?Reflection&Cybernethics? http://fare.tunes.org
Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of
individual ignorance.  ? H.L. Mencken

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