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Bug#486376: [Ecls-list] Bug#486376: Bug#486376: ecl: /usr/lib/libecl.so doesn't provide a SONAME

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 2:38 PM, Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll
<juanjose.garciaripoll at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Last change in CVS ( 2008/09/09 )
>  - We switch to an Ubuntu-like versioning system, based on
> $(year).$(month).x
>    where "x" is 0 for a release or any higher number for a patched version.
>  - In Unix-type systems, ECL now installs with a "soname" and using
> versioned
>    directory names, such as /usr/lib/ecl-8.9.0, /usr/lib/libecl.so.8.9, etc

Fantastic!  Thanks,

-- Gaby

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