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A new package -- cl-lisp-unit

Hi Des!

On Tue, 09 Sep 2008 17:28:10 +0200, Desmond O. Chang wrote:
> I'm a debian user and a new lisper.

Both are good choice ;-)

> Recently I have packaged lisp-unit, a test framework from Christopher
> K. Riesbeck, as cl-lisp-unit.
> Can I contribute the package to the team?

Yes, please!

> If so, How can I do it?

We coordinate our work through Alioth [1], so you need an Alioth login.
As soon as you have it, please contact me in private and I'll add you to
the project.

Then we'll start talking about the package: please read the "Debian New
Maintainers' Guide" [2] and the "Common Lisp in Debian Manual" [3].
This will be a perfect occasion for writing the first draft for the
Debian Common Lisp Policy.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

[1] http://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-common-lisp
[2] http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/
[3] http://pkg-common-lisp.alioth.debian.org/clid/clid.html/
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