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Re: Azure extensions modifying VMs

On Fri, Jul 28, 2023 at 02:44:43PM -0700, Ross Vandegrift wrote:
> Until recently, extensions required user consent to install.  But a
> recent patch [3] to the Azure CLI has changed this.  Azure CLI's future
> defaults will automatically install the Guest Attestation Extension,
> without user consent.

The Azure team has reverted the above change, so the extension will once again
require user consent.  The team discussed this at our 2023-12-13 meeting, and
agreed that they've adequately addressed the problem, and VM extensions could
be re-enabled in waagent.

We still believe that it'd be ideal to have the extension software packaged in
Debian, and installed from the archive.  But since user consent is required,
the current situation is acceptable.

Again, apologies to any negatively affected users.  And thanks to Microsoft for
making this change.


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