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cloud-init and netplan issues in Bookworm image


I've spotted a few issues with the netplan config in the Bookworm image, as listed below.

I think (1) is probably with netplan and (2) and (3) are with cloud-init.

Are others seeing these? In my case, this is an OpenStack based cloud.

1) MTU not supported with DHCP:

/run/systemd/network/10-netplan-ens3.network: MTUBytes= in [Link]  section and UseMTU= in [DHCP] section are set. Disabling UseMTU=.

This file contains:





2) Permissions too permissive:

root@debian-es:~# netplan apply

** (generate:769): WARNING **: 07:03:39.398: Permissions for /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml are too open. Netplan configuration should NOT be accessible by others.
Cannot call openvswitch: ovsdb-server.service is not running.

** (process:767): WARNING **: 07:03:39.849: Permissions for /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml are too open. Netplan configuration should NOT be accessible by others.
Cannot find unique matching interface for ens3

** (process:767): WARNING **: 07:03:39.995: Permissions for /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml are too open. Netplan configuration should NOT be accessible by others.

** (process:767): WARNING **: 07:03:39.995: Permissions for /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml are too open. Netplan configuration should NOT be accessible by others.

3) And finally...  about that "Cannot find unique matching interface for ens3" error

I removed an interface, then added it again. The MAC address on ens3 has changed, /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml says:

# This file is generated from information provided by the datasource. Changes
# to it will not persist across an instance reboot.

However this file is persisted, even over reboots and has the old MAC - fa:16:3e:0a:ef:d9. But cloud-init is showing the new MAC address fa:16:3e:3a:b1:6e 

This can make accessing an instance hard if you remove all the interfaces and then add another one. Ask me how I found that out. ;)

Andrew Ruthven, Wellington, New Zealand
andrew@etc.gen.nz         |
Catalyst Cloud:           | This space intentionally left blank
 https://catalystcloud.nz |

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