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Re: Next team meeting: 2023-10-11 20:00 UTC

Hi everyone,

Here are my notes from this week's cloud team meeting.

CI job `test python latest` requires adjustment

One of the CI jobs tests our python source against the latest python release.
It's failing after the 3.12 release.  I started investigating this and hope to
have a patch soon.

Reviewing outstanding merge requests

We discussed some of the pending merge requests.  The intel_iommu fix for GCE
was merged, the others are still pending review or have some issues.

Boot loader issues

Discussing the ARM64 secure boot change at [1] lead to discussing some general
boot issues.  Bastian is concerned that some of the paths currently generated
for grub are not correct.  Fixing this will either require some debconf tunings
or an update to the grub-cloud package.

We tossed around some ideas about switching to systemd-boot.  The main
challenge is ensuring that /boot can be VFAT, so the EFI firmware can read it.
And that requires removing package-installed files from the filesystem.  So we
like the idea, but there's some yak shaving to be done first.

[1] - https://salsa.debian.org/cloud-team/debian-cloud-images/-/merge_requests/369

Vagrant image future

I've been working on features for the Vagrant images on arm64, with the goal of
buliding local virtualization platforms for the kdevops project.  But with the
recent license change from Hashicorp, we weren't sure about their future.  I've
reached out to Lucas Nussbaum to see if there's any changes planned.


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