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Re: Debian 10/11 AMI on AWS GOV and China

On Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 10:38:43PM -0800, Spike Wang wrote:
>    Just wondering if there is any timeline for the  availability of AMIs in
>    AWS GOV Regions and China? I could successfully get the image copied into
>    those regions, but it failed to launch due to Marketplace restriction… Any
>    known workaround? 

It would definitely be nice if we could get the AMIs copied into these
restricted regions, and we've done some work in that direction in the
past.  However, we don't have a clearly defined path to getting it done,
so no timeline either.

I recommend copying the AMIs shared directly by Debian's account rather
than the marketplace AMIs.  These won't have the marketplace
restrictions.  These AMI IDs are listed at
https://wiki.debian.org/Cloud/AmazonEC2Image/Bullseye and are identical
to the marketplace AMIs.  That wiki also describes the availability of
the AMI IDs in AWS SSM Public Parameters.


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