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Bug#966573: progress packaging awscli v2

Hi Noah,

On Mon, Oct 31, 2022 at 10:50:19PM -0700, Noah Meyerhans wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 05, 2021 at 11:10:43PM -0600, Ross Vandegrift wrote:
> > > awscli v2 remains quite difficult to package, but it seems that upstream
> > > is looking to address this.  See
> > > https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/issues/6186 for details and tracking.
> > 
> > Using the source dist poc from https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/pull/6352 I've
> > made enough progress to get a packaged aws-cli v2 working.  There's a lot more
> > that needs to be done, but idea of the above linked PR could work for us.  I'm
> > going to document my findings here.
> So, only a year later, I've picked this up and made some additional
> progress:
> I have no name!@b02f1db79f9e:/src$ aws --version
> aws-cli/2.8.7 Python/3.10.8 Linux/6.0.0-2-amd64 source/x86_64.debian prompt/off
> I have no name!@b02f1db79f9e:/src$ dpkg -s awscli | grep Version
> Version: 2.8.7-1

Great news!

> > - some repos have tests disabled due to failing during builds.  So far, I don't
> >   know if these are real failures, or if upstream's build method.
> I think I've got most of these fixed.


> > - copyright attribution for aws-lc is very hard.  It's a fork of Google's
> >   BoringSSL, which is a fork of pre-3.0 OpenSSL.
> > 
> > - That also means that aws-lc inherits the openssl gpl incompatibility.
> Here's the good news: We don't actually need aws-lc at all.  awscli v2
> and its various dependencies (including s2n-tls) can build against
> OpenSSL 3.


> > - the aws-cli2-temp repo is based on upstream, not our awscli repo.  I was
> >   intentionally being sloppy to quickly get through a test.
> Same.  I essentially Debianized the upstream v2 repo from scratch,
> pulling in some of your packaging metadata as it made sense.  Given that
> v2 is developed on a different branch and by now differs quite
> significantly from v1, a case could be made for introducing a new
> awscli2 package as a new source package and retiring the original awscli
> package.  However, the debian package metadata isn't really all that
> complex, so it may not actually be necessary.

Is there any reason to have both versions available to install at once?

> > - aws-lc and s2n-tls may be hard to maintain.  Both are complicated, security
> >   critical crypto libraries.
> Fortunately, aws-lc isn't an issue. But s2n-tls remains one.  Not sure
> we're going to be able to do anything about that.  The difficult thing
> is that it's typically expected to be used as a statically linked
> library, which means updates end up being tedious.

Agreed, there's nothing we can do about it.  But I think it's good news to be
able to use OpenSSL and just have one highly security sensitive package.

> I haven't pushed my changes anywhere, yet.  Once I do, the remaining
> tasks will be to any lintian issues or other obvious problems and get
> these packages into NEW.  I think they're in reasonably good shape, but
> we don't have a lot of time before bookworm starts freezing, so I'd love
> any help with these steps.

I might have some time to help.  Would it be useful to transfer my original
repos to the cloud-team group?


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