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Please rebuild bullseye64

Dear maintainers,

Thank you very much for providing these vagrant images. Can you please update the bullseye image now that it has become stable?

The last image has been built 5 month ago.

I'm using it heavily with ansible and I always have to update apt cache and gather facts again so the machine learns it is a stable release now.

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [instance]

TASK [vagrant-gather-test : debug] *********************************************
ok: [instance] => {
    "ansible_distribution_major_version": "testing/unstable"

TASK [vagrant-gather-test : apt] ***********************************************
changed: [instance]

TASK [vagrant-gather-test : gather_facts] **************************************
ok: [instance]

TASK [vagrant-gather-test : debug] *********************************************
ok: [instance] => {
    "ansible_distribution_major_version": "11"

Thanks a lot and best regards,

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