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Re: Next team meeting: Wed Feb 10 @19:00 UTC

Thanks everyone for joining today's meeting.  Here's my summary of the
conversation.  We covered a lot, so it's longer than usual.

Highlights related to bullseye release:
- bullseye images for Vagrant have been updated.
- Raw images are implemented and an MR is open.  It's assigned to Thomas
  Goirand for validation.
- Policy routing configuration for instances with multiple NICs is ready.  MR
  is ready.  Bastian wants a chance to test on Azure.

Vagrant box update

Emmanuel has a new version of the debian/testing64 image uploaded.  There are a
few bug reports he's looking into, as well as creating a BTS usertag.  He's
also working on some new CI features for the vagrant image build process.

Live image tests

My live tests repo at [1] now has ec2 and gce support.  It's currently using
gitlab.com since it requires ssh and ssh is blocked outbound on the shared
salsa runners.  I'll add a group runner for this project and move to salsa once
and AWS account is ready to host.  I also want to start doing gce daily
uploads, though it's not clear if debian-cloud-experiments or debian-infra is a
better project to use.

[1] - https://gitlab.com/rvandegrift/live-tests/-/tree/initial-features

fai updates

Thomas Lange is working on a new fai release.  The pending changes do not
affect fai-diskimage, so cloud build tools should be unaffected.  Since the
freeze is passed, it may be too late for bullseye though.

daily image cleanup

Thomas Lange also mentioned that his casulana cleanup script is ready for
review.  Bastian said he will take a look since he is also working on some
other cleanup related work.


Noah has the most recent possible awscli v1 ready for bullseye.  He tried to
get v2 working, but ran into bugs with python 3.9.  v2 will have to wait for
bullseye-backports.  Also, he may have another dhclient config MR to enable a
new prefix delegation feature for AWS.

salsa artifact size limits

We had lots of discussion on the salsa artifact size limits.  There were two
main threads.

A few new possibilities for space savings were discussed:
- Some small savings might be possible in features that were over the limit.
- Images that need to be published as gzip could be passed around in xz, and
  then converted to gz during an upload step.
- Bastian proposed a plan to first write a directory tree with the data, and
  then create an image of exactly the correct size.  This makes it easy to know
  the min size (unlike shrinking GPT disks, which is very hard).

Some of us were concerned that these measures will only go so far, and a more
thorough solution is needed.  I proposed that someone wanting to build official
images could do builds on casulana without gitlab-ci.  Bastian pointed out that
this requires a lot of setup, so is a difficult alternative.  He's right, but
at least this would provide a motivated person some way around the 256M
limitation.  Better ideas welcome!

Next meeting will be March 10.


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