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Bug#982356: Testing Vagrant box shows unexpected IP address after first vagrant up

Package: cloud.debian.org
Version: 20210207.1

When I specify an additional interface using 'testing.vm.network
"private_network", name: "my_network", ip: "", :mac =>
"000000001010"' and I perform "vagrant up", there are two interfaces on
the host named testing.
One interface has an IP address inside the network.
The other interface has two IP addresses: the specified IP
address and another IP address inside the network.
This second IP address disappears after "vagrant reload".

I attached a Vagrantfile to this email.
One can type these commands to check that two addresses are indeed added
to interface ens6:
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh testing
$ ip a show ens6

Some tools (such as openvpn) do not like that the second interface
(ens6) has two IP addresses.
I suggest that the DHCP provided IP address be removed once the IP
address specified in the Vagrantfile is setup.

I am using Debian Buster, kernel 5.9.0-5-amd64, libc6 2.28-10, vagrant
2.2.3 et libvirt 5.0.0-4+deb10u1.
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# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|    
  config.vm.define "testing" do |testing|
    testing.vm.box = "debian/testing64"
    testing.vm.box_version = "20210124.1"
    testing.vm.hostname = "testing"
    testing.vm.network "private_network", name: "my_network", ip: "", :mac => "000000001010"
    testing.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "rsync", rsync__exclude: ".git/"

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