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Summary of irc 8/12 irc meeting


Short notes from today's irc meeting:

Providing raw images (which I mistitled in the meetbot minutes):
- There is no technical reason to avoid uncompressing & uploading from the
  salsa pipeline, someone just needs to implement it.
- Thomas Lange proposed doing this manually for the current release.  Noah was
  concerned about the manual process constraining future automation or leading
  to bad user experience.
- Bastian and Noah prefer extending the debian-cloud-images python tool to do
  the decompress & upload work.  So far, we do not know who will implement it.

Packaging work:
- Bastian raised some issues with the 3.0 quilt format used for some our
  packaging, esp compared to his new git format.  Some pros and cons were

The next regular meeting will be Sep 9, but there is also a cloud BoF at
Debconf on Aug 27.


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