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Re: Restarting regular IRC meetings

On 6/8/20 9:09 PM, Noah Meyerhans wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 07, 2020 at 10:15:02PM -0700, Ross Vandegrift wrote:
>> It has been a while since our last IRC meeting.  Previously, we met at 1900UTC
>> on the second Wednesday of the month.  Is this time no longer workable for
>> anyone?
> I agree we should have one.
> 1900 UTC works for me.  The next meeing will be coming right up, on June
> 10, right?

This week, on Wednesday, is going to be difficult for me. I'll probably
be on the road back from Geneva, then there's some network maintenance
in my work which may lead to /me being busy all night.

Would that work on Thursday evening instead for everyone?

> Some stuff for the agenda:
> Stretch is being handed off to LTS soon.  At least on EC2, it remains
> more popular than buster, so in order to support our users, I intend to
> continue maintaining and updating AMIs there.  We should discuss our
> relationship with LTS in the context of other cloud services, keeping in
> mind that when we tried to retire jessie, we freaked out quite a few
> users (and jessie remains quite popular on EC2).

One of my colleague asked me to produce an "up-to-date" wheezy... I
can't agree more than it's being a user request!

> It's probably worth talking about the state of cloud-init, and whether
> we are able to put the effort in to qualifying a full version update to
> 20.2 for stable.  The SRMs are still on board, but we need to test
> pretty well on EC2, Azure, and OpenStack if they're going to consider
> it.

Agreed. And we must be able to tell what test we did.

> The ongoing discussions of OpenStack publication formats, etc, might be
> worth talking about, but I'm not sure how productive they'll be.
> Rehashing mailing list discussions is not interesting, but if we can
> discuss specific details or unsolved problems, that could be worth it.


> And I guess delegation stuff...



Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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