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Cloud Image Finder Release v0.1.0

Dear Cloud Team

I would like to announce the release v0.1.0 of Debian Cloud Image Finder.

First of all thanks to everyone that test it and gave feedback.

This version comes with some new features and enhancements:

- The documentation of the providers now are stored inside the salsa's project wiki, https://salsa.debian.org/cloud-team/image-finder/-/wikis/home#providers, any changes in any of these markdown files will reflect inside Image Finder. This update was needed to make it easy to update the documentation.
- Rewrite the image filter from _javascript_ to Python.
- Move image filter to server-side https://salsa.debian.org/cloud-team/image-finder/-/issues/78
- Remove redundant descriptions from providers.
- Change style from the navbar.
- Remove the general search page.
- Restyle provider page organizing containers and cards in a better way.

These changes are the most important of this release. If you want to see all changes they are available at https://salsa.debian.org/cloud-team/image-finder/-/tags/v0.1.0

Visit https://image-finder.debian.net to see this new version with your own eyes.

Also, I already started to plan the next release https://salsa.debian.org/cloud-team/image-finder/-/milestones/11

Any feedback and improvement are always welcome!

Arthur Diniz

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