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Image Finder Updates


In this and last week, I released some updates for Image Finder that I want to share.

- Master as default branch since we are working with tags and there is no reason to keep the overhead to maintain the development branch.
- Generated the SSL certificates with Certbot and link certs with NGINX.
- Reduced the Docker image size from 214.55 MiB to 74.42 MiB.
- Changed docker image to Debian bullseye-slim.
- Install python3 libs directly from the package manager.
- Remove CDNs imports.
- Moved SECRET_KEY app config to use .env file.
- Created /publish route to send artifacts from Salsa's pipeline.
- CLI entry to create an admin token.
- Function to format packages and present in markdown.
- Add row Type to search.

With these updates, we are ready to proceed to link the build pipeline with Image Finder.

1. Generate Image Finder token.
2. Add this token to salsa secret inside the project.
3. Create one stage that will send one post to https://image-finder.debian.net/api/publish with the JSON file.


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "x-access-token: <TOKEN>" -XPOST https://image-finder.debian.net/api/publish -d @filename

Arthur Diniz

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